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Koller’s Commitment to Post Construction Cleaning

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Post construction cleaning services
Post Construction Cleaning by Koller

Embarking on a construction project is an exciting endeavor, but the mess left behind can be overwhelming. At Koller Cleaning Services, we understand the importance of a clean and polished space, especially after the completion of a construction project. Our post-construction cleaning services in Clearwater, FL, are designed to make your space look its best. Whether it's a residential or commercial project, our team of professionals is here to ensure that your space is spotless and ready for use. Let's take a closer look at the comprehensive services we offer to ensure your satisfaction.

Sliding Glass Doors

One of the standout features of many modern homes is the presence of beautiful sliding glass doors. These doors allow natural light to flood into your space, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. Our post-construction cleaning services include cleaning and polishing these doors, so you can enjoy the full beauty of your surroundings.

Home Dusting

After construction, dust settles on every surface, from furniture to picture frames and electronics. Our team is equipped to thoroughly dust all these surfaces, ensuring that your home is free from lingering particles that can affect your indoor air quality.

All Floors Vacuumed and Mopped

Clean floors are essential to the overall appearance of your space. We vacuum and mop all types of flooring, from hardwood to tile, to ensure that your floors are free from debris and shine brightly.


We pay special attention to the bathrooms in your space. Our team thoroughly cleans and disinfects the tub, toilet, and sink area, leaving them in pristine condition.

Inside Cabinets

If you want the inside of your cabinets cleaned, we're here to accommodate your request. We understand that a clean interior is as important as the exterior.

Inside Oven

For those who enjoy cooking, a clean oven is essential. We offer inside oven cleaning by request, so your kitchen appliances are in tip-top shape.

Ceiling Fans and Blinds

Ceiling fans and blinds can collect a surprising amount of dust during construction. Our team makes sure they are spotless and functioning properly.

Scrub Baseboards and Doors

Baseboards and doors often get overlooked during regular cleaning. After construction, these areas can accumulate dirt and grime, so we thoroughly scrub and clean them.

Inside Fridge

Just like your oven, your refrigerator may need a thorough cleaning. We offer inside fridge cleaning upon request to ensure that your appliances are as clean as your living space.


Our kitchen cleaning services include wiping down all counters, backsplashes, and sink areas. We also clean the exteriors of cabinets, ensuring that your kitchen is ready for use.

Small Appliances

Microwaves, coffee machines, and other small appliances also get a deep cleaning from our team. We take care of both the inside and outside to make sure they look and function their best.

Inside Windows

Windows play a significant role in letting light into your space. Our post-construction cleaning services include cleaning the inside of your windows to ensure that your view is unobstructed.

Contact Us

At Koller Cleaning Services, we take pride in offering thorough and reliable post-construction cleaning services in Tampa Bay, FL. If you need your space to shine after construction, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at 727-331-1275 or visit our website at for more information and to schedule your post-construction cleaning. Let us transform your space into a clean and welcoming environment that you can enjoy to the fullest.

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